Sunday, June 24, 2007

Simple Way Fire

MANY OF OUR CORNERSTONE FESTIVAL community will have already heard about the recent warehouse fire in Philadelphia that destroyed several homes in the neighborhood of the Simple Way Community, including the building where fest speaker Shane Claiborne had lived. Nobody was hurt, but several families were left homeless and there was a tremendous amount of property damage. Shane has let us know he is grateful for everyone' s prayers and that he will be speaking at Cornerstone Festival as scheduled. A fund to support the families has been established. See The Simple Way for more information, and please continue to keep Shane and the Simple Way Community in your prayers.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Talking Stage Schedule

THE TALKING STAGE SCHEDULE has been posted. The idea here was to move the Press Tent to the main fest midway and create an evening program, wherein seminar speakers and other interesting folks could converse with knowledgeable interviewers in a coffee-house atmosphere. Come and join us each evening at Cornerstone, from 7PM-10PM, for scintillating conversation.